simplevisor-control command


simplevisor-control - run simplevisor as a service


simplevisor-control command [path]


simplevisor-control command can be used to run simplevisor as a service.


command one of: start, stop, restart, status, check

path look at simplevisor man page for path behavior


On linux you can look at the script shipped in the examples folder which is called simplevisor-new-instance, it creates folders and the configuration to run a simplevisor instance.

mkdir -p /var/lib/myinstance/bin
mkdir -p /var/lib/myinstance/data
mkdir -p /var/lib/myinstance/etc

Create a file /var/lib/myinstance/bin/service with content and make it executable:

# init script that can be symlinked from /etc/init.d

# chkconfig: - 90 15
# description: my simplevisor instance

. "/var/lib/myinstance/etc/simplevisor.profile"
exec "/usr/bin/simplevisor-control" ${1+"$@"}

/var/lib/myinstance/etc/simplevisor.profile could look like:

# main
export SIMPLEVISOR_NAME=myinstance
# if you want to run it as another user:
#export SIMPLEVISOR_USER=games
export SIMPLEVISOR_CONF=/var/lib/myinstance/etc/simplevisor.conf
export SIMPLEVISOR_PIDFILE=/var/lib/myinstance/data/
export SIMPLEVISOR_LOCKFILE=/var/lib/myinstance/data/simplevisor.lock

Create /var/lib/myinstance/etc/simplevisor.conf according to simplevisor documentation.

For Red Hat or Fedora you can symlink service script:

ln -s /var/lib/myinstance/bin/service /etc/init.d/myinstance

And use it as a normal service:

/sbin/service myinstance start|stop|status|restart|check


Massimo Paladin <>

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